Tuesday 14 August 2012

Getting up to date

Yes yes it is a long time since I last posted. For goodness sake even the Spice Girls have managed a reunion in the interim.

Trust me, if I'm not posting here either A )I'm at Le Mans or B) TCS is very very busy, and this year I didn't manage A because of B.

So where do I begin to play catch up? You know I don't think I can. I've spent the last five months criss-crossing the globe and doing some major deals that I might one day be able to tell my grandchildren about, but not you, or at least not yet.

Let me share two quotes with you, though, from clients about my team

"He has been visible, available and accountable" 

Well shouldn't that be tattooed on the butt of every service manager?  I hope it applies to all my team, so it would be invidious of me to single out Martin. But hey, what the heck, he deserves it.

And, oh let me polish my fingernails before I share this one with you, and buff up my cuticles

"We think there are only two companies in the world who can do what you do"

Dead right, there are, and one of those is lying to you.

Or in other words I've not been busy here because I've been very busy elsewhere,and I've been busy because most of my predictions about 2012 are coming true, big time. Actually, scarily true and scarily big time.

So I'll also just throw in that I have a couple of speaking engagements coming up, including another Bright Talk seminar and an itSMF Ireland event. I'm still waiting for the Pink 13 invite, hint hint.

If I had one massive plus point to make at the moment it would be how much I enjoyed the ITSM MSc. open day at Northampton University. Hopefully we will be releasing an ITSMROW podcast in the next few days, but  essentially I was gob-smacked by the quality of the dissertations I've read from the graduates.

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